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Specialist in engineered product transfer solutions for the transport industry
VADO shareholder since
2005 - now

Meller Flow Trans Limited specialises in engineered product transfer solutions for the Transport Industry.

Meller can design, supply, install and service product transfer technology regardless of market sector. The company specialises in all forms of liquid handling technology, covering aggressive chemicals, petroleum’s, liquefied gases, food stuffs and lubes. Meller’s large range of air moving products covers all elements of the dry bulk transport market, including cements, animal feeds and pellets. ADR conversions and Safe Load Pass upgrades for dangerous goods vehicles complete their ‘one stop shop’ approach. No matter what the transport, from Aerosol Propellant to Xylene, Meller has the products and expertise to keep their customer’s vehicles and business working efficiently. Meller is based in Bradford, United Kingdom and employs approximately 30 people.

Investment rational VADO

Meller is a company within the VADO portfolio which works in a market place with significant potential, and is also close to the roots of the Van Doorne family, transportation. Meller specialise in ‘engineered product transfer solutions’ for the Transport Industry. This encompasses the supply and installation of cargo offloading equipment for all forms of bulk products. From aggressive liquid chemicals to powders and gases. VADO’s original interest in Meller was due to the numerous markets and product possibilities, all within the world of bulk product transfer solutions. VADO is very happy with this UK company, which can still grow by adding new products, new solutions and by entering new geographical markets.”

For more info about Meller Flow Trans, or one of our other companies, please contact Aart Fortanier via

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  • “Meller Flow Trans Limited has been under the ownership of VADO since 2005. I have no hesitation in saying that they have been the most open minded and supportive shareholder throughout my own 33 years with the business. This has been demonstrated by the unparalleled growth of our UK business whilst under VADO ownership.”

    Mark Allcock Managing DirectorMeller
    mark allcock

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