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About VADO

The DNA of the family business

Rich industrial heritage

VADO is a Dutch investment company founded by the Van Doorne family. After the sale of the DAF companies in the 1970s and 1980s, VADO focused heavily on investments in the manufacturing industry. The uniqueness of the family business, the entrepreneurship and the interest in technology and innovation are still present at VADO even today. We still focus on manufacturing companies with a passion for technology. We are innovative entrepreneurs who, with their feet firmly on the ground and their eyes fixed on the future, deliver value to people and society. The action is today but the perspective is always the long term. Several of the portfolio companies have been part of the VADO family for more than twenty years.

The right end markets determine success

Today, VADO consists of a small team with a great deal of industrial experience that, from Eindhoven, manages a portfolio of over twenty manufacturing companies. Always eager to get to know new companies and entrepreneurs, there is a constant search for new investment opportunities.
In addition to this portfolio, VADO has been a shareholder of MCB (Metaal Compagnie Brabant) for many years. Together with two other families, who founded MCB more than eighty years ago, VADO is still closely involved within the ‘ins and outs’ of this market leader in metal distribution.

Learn more about VADO and MCB here

The VADO portfolio consists of three clusters of companies

Cluster Metals & Plastics Supply Companies
These companies develop and produce components and modules for leading high-tech OEMs and players in various end markets. Quality and delivery reliability, so-called “operational excellence” are of great importance and state-of-the-art production technology is crucial. These companies are often capital intensive because of the substantial investments in production machines, moulds and facilities with climatization and clean-rooms.

Cluster Machinery & Equipment Manufacturing
These companies produce complex and high-quality systems and products. Innovation determines the distinctiveness of these products. A deep understanding of the end market and customer requirements is important. The engineering function is all-important and these companies are therefore often very knowledge-intensive.

Cluster Specialist Companies
These companies often have a unique expertise, experience or technology that enables them to achieve market leadership in a niche. Ideally, companies in this cluster respond to strategic industrial developments, such as sustainability, energy transition, industry 4.0, 3D printing and robotics.


VADO contributes to a healthy and innovative Dutch manufacturing industry by investing in companies and initiatives that deliver clear added value to people and society with their innovative solutions. We attach great value to entrepreneurship, innovation and cooperation. We work on the basis of our vision as a long-term investor to achieve healthy sustainable growth.

Core values

With commitment and respect

We are involved and sincerely interested without it becoming constricting: we provide space, keep each other sharp and, where necessary, we are on hand with advice and assistance.

Building and growing together

For us, the long term is more important than a quick profit. Together we map out and execute a path to sustainable growth.

Straightforward entrepreneurship

Building and expanding a business together: a matter of rolling up our sleeves, with both feet on the ground.

Innovation with added value

Companies with a passion for technology, that’s what we love. Smart solutions for complex issues, with added value for people and society.

Solid and reliable

We are a strong, reliable partner and have a solid financial foundation that enables a healthy growth for our companies.

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  • “Job Precision has been part of VADO for over 30 years. We joined the Anvil Industries Group in 2017 and have a very close working relationship with the other companies in this group. Our specialty is the manufacturing of precision parts. The strength of Job Precision is the ability to perform multiple high-precision machining operations such as wire-EDM, milling, surface grinding and turning. This has allowed us to build a strong market position.”

    Hans BakkerManaging DirectorJob Precision
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  • "Lacom has developed strongly in recent years under the VADO umbrella along two tracks. We have been able to invest heavily in internal production capacity geared towards high-quality subcontracting, while also developing and marketing our own product line, the Kinetic truck-mounted crane. This makes us full sparring partners of our customers. Within the VADO culture, we retain our entrepreneurship, with the speed and flexibility of an SME. But at the same time, we also benefit from cooperation and knowledge sharing within the VADO family. This is the best of both worlds as far as I am concerned."

    Roel KraaijenbrinkManaging Director Lacom
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  • “At Anvil Industries, the interests of the companies are paramount and we want to be seen as a partner to OEM customers through mutual cooperation. We do this by being able to deliver high added value as a group. Cooperation based on an open and direct attitude and making use of each other's specialisms, that's where our strength lies.”

    Twan BussersDirectorJansen Machining Technology
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  • “Being part of Anvil Industries has given BKL a strong proposition. By allowing specialists from different companies to work together, BKL is better able to realise high complexity, low volume projects than before. We noticed that in the market, our current and new potential customers like the fact that we are part of a group, which guarantees the continuity of BKL and entrepreneurship.”

    Coen AartsManaging Director BKL
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  • “An ideal situation. We are given the space and freedom to do business independently within the VADO organisation and to retain our own identity, thus preserving the family character of our company!”

    Hans StoopManaging DirectorVerhoeven
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