Rendon_PST0498 medium


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Building renovation and maintenance specialist
VADO company since
1996 - 2022

The Rendon Maintenance Group is a medium-sized building maintenance and renovation specialist with a broad range of services in the field of renovation projects, scheduled maintenance, service and various specialist maintenance techniques.

They also carry out inspections and offer architectural advice. Rendon has an answer to every question about work on the inside and outside of buildings: from the complete renovation of homes, commercial real estate, apartment buildings or parking garages to minor building maintenance.
The origins of the Rendon Maintenance Group are with five specialist companies that have worked together intensively since 1997 and have been united in the nationwide Rendon Maintenance Group since 2009. Rendon is headquartered in Arkel and employs approximately 150 people.

Rendon is acquired by Caspar de Haan onderhoud & renovatie in 2022.

VADO investment rationale

The existing office and housing stock in the Netherlands is dozens of times larger than the number of new buildings built each year. These existing buildings need to be maintained and – partly driven by all the wishes and requirements with regard to sustainability – renovated. There is room for specialisation, customisation and customer focus in this market, which enables Rendon to distinguish itself and achieve above-average returns.


For more information about Rendon or one of our other companies, please contact VADO, Rudi Dagevos via

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