Culobel is a metal press company specialising in heavy deep drawing work of material up to 12mm thickness and focused on production in large series.
Deep drawing and punching is done for all metals with self-designed dies. In addition, Culobel designs and produces pressure vessels for applications in airconditioning and refrigeration technology, heat pumps and air compressors. In addition to its head office and factory in Belgium (Hofstade-Aalst), Culobel also has production facilities in the Czech Republic (Frýdlant n.O. ) and a sourcing and trading office in China (Suzhou). The company has approximately 240 employees.
VADO investment rationale
Culobel supplies a number of essential components in systems for air conditioning, compressed air and heat pumps. These markets are growing. Culobel is a Tier 1 supplier to the major manufacturers in these markets, who increasingly outsource more parts to Culobel and concentrate on assembly themselves.
For more information about Culobel or one of our other companies, please contact VADO,Eric Liebers via e.liebers@vado.nl.